Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
80: The Power of the Independent Candidate in the 2024 BC Election with Ashley Ramsay, MLA Candidate for Kelowna-Mission
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Episode 80: Matt and Taylor are joined by Ashley Ramsay. Ashley, from Kelowna, BC, is running as a MLA candidate in the Kelowna-Mission riding as an Unaffiliated Independent in the upcoming 2024 BC provincial election. As a Founder of Yeti Farm Creative, which has created hundreds of jobs right here in Kelowna, Ashley's strong background in entrepreneurship and tech has made her a leading voice in the region for years. Ashley wants to shift into a new era of politics with real humans in government, who are interested in serving their communities, not themselves.
Ashley is here to discuss:
→ Her background in entrepreneurship and animation, why she's decided to run in this election, the importance of engaging and using your voice as a citizen, and how she's looking to serve her riding of Kelowna-Mission should she win.
→ The lack of stability with the current provincial government, where the parties are polling right now, how candidates in other ridings affect Kelowna, and how Kelowna could benefit from having an Unaffiliated MLA in government.
→ How we can get Kelowna out of it's current "vibecession", how we can get more housing built, and the STR (short-term rental) impact on tourism and rentals in Kelowna.
Ashley Ramsay's Website: www.ashramsay.com
Ashley Ramsay's Instagram: @ashleyrramsay
Ashley Ramsay's LinkedIn: @AshleyRamsay
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Matt Glen's Website: www.mattglen.ca
Matt Glen's Email: matt.glen@century21.ca
Matt Glen's Instagram: @mattglenrealestate
Taylor Atkinson's Website: www.venturemortgages.com
Taylor Atkinson's Email: taylor@venturemortgages.com
Taylor Atkinson's Instagram: @VentureMortgages