Episode 50: Matt and Taylor are no longer rookie podcasters! This week, they hit the half-century episode mark, and also come up on 1 full year of podcasting! This calls for celebration for hitting a goal, reflecting on the last year, and planning for the future.
Matt and Taylor discuss:
→ How thankful they are to listeners and their inner circles for their continued support.
→ Reflecting on life and business from the past year.
→ And what they've learned from podcasting and how it's created relationships and opportunities.
To get the Vivid Vision PDF, email: admin@venturemortgages.com
Matt Glen's Website: www.mattglen.ca
Matt Glen's Email: Matt.glen@century21.ca
Matt Glen's Instagram: @mattglenrealestate
Taylor Atkinson's Website: www.VentureMortgages.com
Taylor Atkinson's Email: Taylor@VentureMortgages.com
Taylor Atkinson's Instagram: @VentureMortgages